Leprechaun 3: Impressive?

Decker Shado Leprechaun 3 Review

When compared to Leprechauns 1 and 2, Leprechaun 3 might be seen as both better and worse.

The first act is horrible, yet it manages to keep the audience interested anyhow. Mark Jones, with the exception of his Leprechaun character, is incapable of penning believable conversation.

As the young college student, the actor John Gatins, who played Scott McCoy, was burdened with some of the least believable lines in the history of the world. I felt awful for him. It was quite difficult to watch.

After Scott is infected by the Leprechaun's blood in the second act, the plot takes a turn for the better.

This time, Warwick Davis gets to talk in rhyme, and he's entertaining in the second act.

Without Davis, these movies would be almost impossible to watch. With him, the Leprechaun has a charm Review of Leprechaun 3 from 1995 that makes him do bad things, which is fun to watch.

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